Covariance rule for causality
Covariance rule for causality

covariance rule for causality

Analytical continuation in alpha is thus justified. We demonstrate that such sum rules are always finite, even in the presence of Regge behavior, when subtraction temns in the underlying parton-proton u-channel dispersion relation are taken into account. Sum rules for general Compton amplitudes are derived an d a discussion of mass renormalization for electromagnetic self-energy correction of hadrons is presented. We also demonstrate that a general consequence of composite theories of hadrons wrth field-theoretic constituents which incorporates the above properties is thc existence of a constant energy-independent and qi-independent term in q/sup 2/) (a Kronecker delta'' delta /sub JO/ term) and a J = O fixed pole in more » T/sub 2/( nu, q/sup 2/). We show that a covariantly regularized model based on the infinite- momentum-frame techniques of Drell, Levy, and Yan is equivalent to the manifestly covariant nonperturbative parton model of Landshoff, Polkinghorne, and Short. « lessīS>A general nonperturbative model for the entire Compton amplitude which incoporates Bjorken scaling, gauge invariance, and Regge behavior is presented.

covariance rule for causality

Precise measurements of polarized electroproduction and Drell-Yan processes in the deep inelastic limit will soon provide the first information on the higher-twist parton distributions identifies these soft quark modes with low momentum contributions arising from self-energy-type interactions.

Covariance rule for causality